Item 4945697 93/07/22 13:10 From: CGEIGER@NEXT.COM@INET# Internet Gateway Subject: Taking the NEXTSTEP:Excerpt from Computer Shopper Hello User Groups, Here is a great review on NEXTSTEP from the Computer Shopper... Conrad Geiger ____________________________________________________ COMPUTER SHOPPER Tech Section Development Tools Taking the NextStep, Part One By Bruce Graves July 1993 Page 551 The first time I ran into NeXT computers (and Steve Jobs, NeXT's CEO, almost literally ran into me) was in 1989, my senior year at Cornell University. Jobs had just given a presentation about NeXT computers and was walking out of Carpenter Hall, one of Cornell's engineering buildings. I was hobbling in the door on crutches, having injured myself that morning playing basketball. Jobs was so engaged in a conversation that he didn't notice me at all, and only his companion's quick reaction saved me from a second crash to the floor that day. Four years later, a NeXT machine (on loan from NeXT) dominates my office. Its 17-inch, flat-screen color display dwarfs my PC's 14-inch monitor, while its sleek, two-and-a-half-inch-high CPU case makes my PC look like a mini- computer. But don't plan on purchasing your own NeXT system--NeXT is getting out of the hardware business. Do keep your eyes open for NeXTSTEP, NeXT's evolutionary--and in some ways revolutionary--operating environment for 486 or higher PC's, expected sometime this summer. But what is NeXTSTEP? How does it differ from an environment like Microsoft Windows, especially from a developer's perspective? And do all the differences represent steps forward? To find out, I experimented with the system for a little over two months, them attended a week-long class called "Programming NeXT Computers," affectionately nicknamed Dev-Camp. The course is sponsored by NeXT and is designed to introduce developers to NeXTSTEP and the concepts of object-oriented programming in general. It turns out that complete answers to my original questions, never mind all the new ones that came up as I learned about NeXTSTEP, would fill hundreds of pages. Almost every aspect of NeXTSTEP, from its interface to its suite of development tools, is unique. As a result, I've split this article into two parts. This month, we'll take a look at what it's like to use NeXTSTEP, how its underlying design is different from environments like Microsoft Windows, and why it's so easy to create basic NeXTSTEP applications. Next month, we'll dig a little deeper and examine how NeXTSTEP displays and prints graphics and text. We'll also see how simple it is to take advantage of "Distributed Objects," which allow programs to transparently access data and code on any NeXTSTEP machine on a network. Hopefully, a brief look at topics like these will give you a feel for why some developers, once they've played with NeXTSTEP, are completely hooked. On the other hand, we'll also look at a few issues that might explain why, despite all of its strength, NeXTSTEP doesn't dominate the marketplace. NEXTSTEP NeXTSTEP is an operating environment that consists of a graphical user interface (GUI, pronounced "gooey") that sits on top of Mach, an operating system that is upwardly compatible with Unix 4.3BSD. In addition to standard Unix features, such as pre-emptive multitasking, Mach also supports multiple threads, memory-mapped files, message-based interprocess communication, and a host of other facilities. Windows NT, which supports most of these features, too, was heavily influenced by Mach, and future version of IBM's OS/2 are likely to be based on it. Figure 1 displays part of a typical NeXTSTEP screen, also known as the workspace. The file Viewer, in the center of the image, allows you to navigate the Unix directory structure, manipulate files and directories, and launch applications. The center of the File Viewer shows the current directory hierarchy as a series of icons, and the files in each of these directories are listed directly below them. The top of the File Viewer is called the shelf, where you can place frequently used files or directory folders for quick access. To place an item on the shelf, you drag its icon from the row in the center and drop it on the shelf. On the right side of the screen is the application dock, where you can place frequently used applications icons. Placing an application icon on the dock is just like placing it on the File Viewer's shelf; you drag it from the File Viewer and drop it on the dock. Consistency like this one of NeXTSTEP's strengths. Once you figure out how to do something in one context, you can usually figure out how to accomplish the same thing anywhere--without reaching for a manual. NeXTSTEP menus are vertical lists that can be displayed anywhere in the workspace, as opposed to drop-down menus that appear at the top of each program's main window. Applications usually take advantage of hierarchical menus, where clicking on one menu entry display a submenu to the right of the original. If you use the entries in a particular sub-menu frequently, you can "tear it off" and place it anywhere on the screen. Only the active application's menus are visible; NeXTSTEP hides background applications' menus to save screen space. NeXTSTEP windows differ just enough from Microsoft Windows' windows to drive you crazy if you have to switch between them frequently. Apparently to avoid legal issues, NeXT placed the minimize button in the upper left corner of a window's title bar and put the close button in the upper right corner, exactly the opposite of Windows conventions (there is no such thing as a maximize button under NeXTSTEP). Along the same lines, verticle scroll bars appear on the left side of windows, and the up and down arrows are grouped together at the bottom of the scroll bar. Keyboard usage is different under NeXTSTEP, too. NeXT doesn't rely on numbered function keys at all, and they've added a special Command key (simulated by a keystroke combination on PCs) that's dedicated specifically to keyboard shortcuts. For example, Command-s always means "Save," while Command- q always means "Quit." Compare this to keyboard shortcuts under Microsoft Windows, where Shift-F12 saves files in Microsoft Windows, for Windows, invokes a settings dialog in Borland's Quattro Pro, and probably does something completely different in tens of other applications. Unlike Windows, which is designed to operate with or without a pointing device, NeXTSTEP always assumes that a mouse is available and relies on it heavily. For example, there's no easy way to access menu entries that don't have Command-based accelerators assigned to them without using the mouse. You can't jump from one application to the next from the keyboard; again, you must reach for the mouse. And when NeXTSTEP's equivalent of an OK/Cancel dialog appears, you can hit Enter to accept it, but only a mouse click will cancel it. Hitting Escape only produces a beep. These are only a few of the cosmetic differences between NeXT-STEP and other GUIs. Their significance varies, depending on what you're used to and how often you have to switch back and forth between different environments. Still, they illustrate a philosophy that pervades NeXTSTEP. Its designers favored elegance and simplicity and ignored existing conventions that they didn't feel made sense. This is important to users, but it's even more important to developers. AN OO GUI? GUIs like Microsoft Windows started as a group of interface elements and a set of API functions to manipulate them. Since object-oriented programming (OOP) has surged in popularity, various vendors, including Microsoft, have strapped applications frameworks on top of existing GUIs. These frameworks encapsulate the details of the underlying GUIs and allow programmers to view them from an object-oriented perspective. However, the GUIs themselves were mostly written in C, which doesn't support OOP directly. NeXTSTEP is different. It isn't a set of stand-alone interface elements, and it doesn't have a traditional API. Instead, NeXTSTEP is a hierarchy of Objective C classes. In effect, it is a GUI and an application framework rolled into one. Unlike other GUIs, which allow you to write applications in any language that can call traditional C or Pascal functions, NeXTSTEP requires that the parts of an application that interface with the GUI directly be written in Objective C (though other parts of the application can be written in other languages, such as C++). A SAMPLE PROGRAM To get a feel for some of the advantages of a truly object-oriented GUI, we'll create a very simple NeXTSTEP program called Side, which will display a window that contains a slider and a text field. The position of the slider will range from zero (at it's far left) to 100 (at its far right). As you move the slider back and forth, the text field will display a number corresponding to its position. If you enter a number in text field and hit Enter, the slider will position itself appropriately. But here's where it gets interesting: We won't write a single line of code. The first step in creating Slide is to run an application called Project Builder, or PB, and create a new project. PB is similar in many respects to Borland's integrated Development Environment and Microsoft's Programmer's Workbench for Windows. It keeps track of all of your program's components and automatically creates a makefile that it uses to build your application. Once you've created a new Slide project, you can double-click on one of the files that PB creates for you automatically, SLIDE.NIB. The NIB extension stands for NeXT Interface Builder (IB), which is where most of the work on an application's interface takes place. Double-clicking on a NIB file launches IB automatically. PB is still running in the background. Interface Builder lets you to lay out interface elements, such as windows and controls. When you open a new project in IB, it automatically creates a main window and a menu with a few basic entries, such as Quit, for your application. IB also displays a window that contains a palette of common controls. Adding a slider and a text display to the Slide program is as simple as dragging copies of them from the palette and dropping them in the main window--similar to Visual Basic. After you place a control in the main window, you can hit Command-1 to bring up an inspector window. Inspector windows display information about the object that is currently selected and allow you to modify some of its attributes. For the slider, the inspector displays its minimum value (which defaults to 0), its maximum value (which defaults to 1), and its current position (a number between 0 and 1). You can change these values by entering new numbers in the appropriate fields. We'll change the maximum value from 1 to 100 and set its current position to 0. ACTION! To try out an interface, you simply hit Command-r, the keyboard shortcut for Test interface. The main window, which contains a slider and a text field, appears, along with the program's menu. You can move the slider, but it doesn't update the text field. Similarly, you can enter a number in the text file, but it won't affect the slider. Selecting Quit from the application's menu returns you to IB. Under most other GUIs, it would be time to save the interface and write some code to connect the two objects; NeXTSTEP is different. In IB, holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the slider causes a thin black line to appear. One end of the line is attached to the slider, and the other end follows the mouse cursor. Moving the cursor over the text field and releasing the mouse button causes the line to "connect" the slider to the text field. (see Figure 2). When this connection appears, the inspector window (which we used to set the slider's range, above) changes. It now lists two columns of text, one called Outlets and the other called Actions. For you to understand what the entries in these columns refer to, it's necessary to explain a little about Objective C. OBJECTIVE C Objective C is an extension to standard C that provides object-oriented capabilities. To do this, Objective C allows you to define classes and adds a mechanism that allows you to send messages to class instances, also known as objects. Objective C also adds one new variable type, id, which is a pointer that can point to any type of object. These are really the only changes that Objective C makes to the C language. At first glance, Objective C appears to add fewer capabilities than C++ does. This is true in some areas, since C++ was designed to be a "better C," while Objective C was only intended to add object-oriented features. However, in parts of the object-oriented arena, Objective C extends C further than C++. Specifically, Objective C provides a capability called "dynamic binding" that C++ doesn't fully support. In this context, dynamic binding means that the compiler doesn't have to know everything about the objects that messages are being sent to. For example, in Objective C, the expression anObject aMessage; sends a message to an object. Sending a message to an object is similar to calling a C++ object's member function. Its analog in C++ would be anObject->aMemberFunction();. The important difference between the two, however, is that a C++ compiler needs to know something about anObject's type. On the other hand, an Objective C compiler doesn't care what type of object anObject is. All the decision making can be delayed until run time. This adds an incredible degree of flexibility, as you'll see shortly. WHAT DYNAMIC BINDING DOES FOR YOU How does any of this relate to the Outlets and Actions columns in IB's inspector window? As you'll recall, the line that we drew comes from the slider and goes to the text field. These objects are actually instances of two NeXTSTEP Objective C classes, called Slider and TextField, respectively. Both descend from another NeXTSTEP class Control. The Control class (and hence all its descendants) contains a member variable called target which is of type id (recall that id is a pointer to any type of Objective C object). When you connect two objects in IB, the object that you draw the line from displays all of its id fields in the Outlets column. This allows you to specify which one of its id fields (target in this case) should point to the object that you connected the line to (the text field). You choose the proper id field by clicking on its entry in the Outlets column. What about the Actions column, however? The object that you connect the line to (the text field) displays a list of its methods (analogous in many ways to C++ member functions) in the Actions column. In this case, this allows us to specify which message should be sent from the slider to the text field whenever the slider is moved. The text field displays a list of seven methods, and the one we're interested in is called takeDoubleValue. All of this is much simpler to do than it is to explain. Once we've drawn the line from the slider to the text field, we can click on the target entry in the Outlets column and the takeDoubleValue entry in the Actions column. It's just as easy to connect the text field to the slider. We simply draw a line from the text field to the slider, once again clicking on the target entry in the Outlets column and the takeDoubleValue entry in the Actions column. After making these connections, you can hit Command-r again (to test the interface) and see what happens. Amazingly enough, moving the slider automatically updates the contents of the text field, and entering a number in the text field and hitting return moves the slider! But how does this work without any code? What's really going on here is that whenever you move the slider, it examines its target field. When it discovers that it points to something (the text field), it sends a message (takeDoubleValue) to that object and passes a pointer to itself as a parameter. The text field's takeDoubleValue method uses the pointer that it receives to ask the slider (the object that sent the message) what its current position is, then displays that value in the text field. Interface Builder doesn't limit you to send messages between NeXTSTEP interface elements. You can use IB to connect any type of object to any other type of object. For example, you could connect a slider to an object of your own that takes a number and multiplies it by two. You could then connect this object to a text field, where it could display its results. You would have to write a little bit of code to create an object of your own--about three lines' worth. BACK TO PROJECT BUILDER Until now, we've done everything from within the Interface Builder. To produce a stand-alone application, you save the work you've done in IB (which updates the NIB file) and return to the Project Builder. Hitting the Build button causes PB to execute the makefile that it has constructed; the result is a stand-alone version of the Slide program. But how does your application work without any handwritten code? Instead of requiring you to write the routines that create and display you inter-face objects manually, NeXTSTEP handles the details for you. The DevCamp instructor drew an excellent analogy: He described the NIB file as a collection of "freeze-dried objects." When you execute you application, NeXTSTEP loads the associated NIB file and, in effect, "adds water." As a result, all the objects that you laid out in IB come to life automatically. UNTIL NEXT MONTH There's a lot more to writing simple NeXTSTEP programs, never mind full- fledged applications, than we've covered here. For example, nothing that we've seen so far has shown us how to write a program that doesn't rely on built-in interface objects like sliders and text fields. What if you want to draw a line, or write a NeXTSTEP version of the famous "hello, world" program? Next month, we'll see how to display graphics and text in a window, and why every application automatically inherits the ability to print or FAX any of its images--once again, without writing any code. And we'll look at a few additional topics that will make you ask, "Why hasn't Microsoft done this under Windows?" Figure 1: A typical Nextstep screen, also known as the workspace. The file viewer, in the center of the image, allows you to navigate the Unix directory structure. Figure 2: The Interface Builder in action. Moving the cursor over the text field and releasing the mouse button causes the line to "connect" the slider to the text field. =END=